Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BE a VOTER - Exercise your right to do it

Promoting the efforts of this group of concerned citizens  to have all potential voters registered. All info posted obtained from brochures and additional information can be found at www.dosomethingepic.net :



This is how your voice, thoughts and opinions are translated into something the government and political parties can hear.
Your vote is the ticket to expressing your voice. Your vote expresses your choices in freedom and equality, in government, leaders, policies, freedom of press, transparency, gender equality and so much more.


 Most people avoid the issue of politics and don't want to be associated with it at all. But have you ever talked about taxes, corruption, freedom or equality and wanted to do something about it ? How did you feel about the toll and petrol increases ?
Do you blog ? Do you agree with the regulations placed for bloggers?
Everything is affected by politics. Politics plays a much bigger role in our lives than we realize.
This is a democratic country, and that means it's your right to get a say in who runs your country, and how this country is run. When we choose not to vote, we are also choosing not to voice our opinions. It's almost as if we're saying we don't care what happens. So in that sense, we lose our right to complain if things don't pan out the way we want it to.
People believe that one vote doesn't make a difference. The truth is, every single vote counts.

- We want to believe that the power of "one" is not simply overrated, just rarely challenged
- We want Positive Action not Negative Reactions
- We want to integrate not tolerate
- We want to stop complaining, and start acting
- We want our friends to stop migrating overseas and our parents to stop telling us  to do so
- We want to be colour blind to our neighbours
- We want to stand up to be responsible for our collective feature and believe that others want to as well

The decisions we make today shape our tomorrow, individually as a community, and ultimately as a nation. We want to voice our choice the best and most civil way we know how in practicing our democratic right ----- BY VOTING

It takes 13 months to register as a voter. If general elections were to be suddenly held in 3 months time. you wouldn't be eligible to vote.

Where can I register as a voter ?

1. Visit www.dosomethingepic.net to find out where is the nearest mobile registration booths

2. At permanent registration centers located at the Election Commission HQ, State Election Offices or Post Offices with computer facilities
Fill Form A based on your  Identity Card ( MyKad ) , JPN, KPPK9 or JPN KPPK II receipts issued by the National Registration Department

3. At Mobile Registration Units setup by the Election Commission, or registration by Asst Registrars ( from political parties ) or by Asst Registrars at government departments

How do I register overseas ?

- Go personally to the Malaysian High Commission. Embassy or Consulate in the country you reside in
- Produce your MyKad to the officer in charge
- State your current address in the country you in which you reside in, your occupation, and the serial number of Form A
- You will be given a printed copy of the registration form as a record and proof of registration

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